Monday 22/09/14
I've done it again. Can't remember a thing. I know I nearly didn't get to the shop 'cos I was busy chatting with Chris 'Rum Direction' Heald.
I have just recalled that I failed to furnish you with details of my conversation with the hospital from last week. As you may, or may not, know I had a couple of scans on my heart some time ago. It would seem I have a critical aortic stenosis, not so critical that the hospital are in any rush to deal with it though. Anyway I rang them last week to enquire about my appointment:
'Ah yes, you're on our list. Er, you're appointment was this morning at 9am'.
'Why didn't you tell me'?
'We did. We wrote and text'.
'You didn't otherwise I'd have been there'.
'Well it's not our responsibility to let you know about appointments'.
'Er, it is really'.
'Well the computer says we told you and now it has you down as having discharged yourself'.
'And what do you, an actual human being with your own thought process say'?
'There's no need for that attitude Mr. Saynor'.
'You're not the one with a dodgy heart'.
'You'll have to go back to your doctor and get referred again'.
'No I wont. You have to find me an appointment'.
This went on for some time till they found me an appointment, October 31st. As I said on Facebook, if my heart packs in before then please sue D.R.I. for loss of tall person.
Tuesday 23/09/14
I was up early to get to Chesterfield for a meeting with a supplier. I was sat in the cafe we'd agreed to meet in only to get a call asking where I was. It turns out my supplier had got the wrong Simon and was waiting for me in Basingstoke. Ah well. It was still a lovely day and Chesterfield is very pretty. My mood was yet to be dampened. I was getting the shop keys today.
Rang St. Modwen when I got in. They hadn't got the paperwork back from their solicitors yet. No keys. Now my mood was dampened.
Checked my emails. Would you like a holiday in Kingston-Upon-Hull? Mood finally hit rock bottom.
Went to Julie's and won at Scrabble (50-23 now). Still didn't cheer up.
Wednesday 24/09/14
Sat in all day waiting for a phone call from St. Modwen's solicitors re keys. Didn't happen. Sulked.
Thursday 25/09/14
Got woke up by my phone ringing. An unknown number. This was it!!!!
'Mr. Saynor'?
'Did you know you could claim PPI on a......'
As it was the required call came not long after and I picked my keys up. Spent an hour sat in my shop just happily staring at four walls and a knackered ceiling.
Went to Julie's and despite my nagging she wouldn't come and sit in the shop with me. I lost at Scrabble (51-23) but still didn't stop smiling.
Friday 26/09/14
Got cracking tearing the ceiling down while my mate Ian started sanding the walls. To paraphrase Roy Scheider we're gonna need a bigger sander. Felt good to be grafting again. I pigging ached by the end of the day though and I've been sneezing black since.
Friday night saw me heading over to York with Alistair and his better half, Julie, for an acoustic gig at The Black Swan. Sadly some ignorant dickheads decided when the act they came to see wasn't playing they'd just talk loudly over whoever was playing. It's a pet hate especially in a venue that has plenty of other places where you can go and talk. Once it was just people in there who cared about the music though it was a lovely chilled night. We left before the headline act because he couldn't be bothered to watch any other acts (another pet hate) so we couldn't be bothered to watch him.
Saturday 28/09/14
Big day today. Frank Turner live in Hull with my favourite gigging partner (Daughter No.1 George). George got me into Frank a few years back but I've only caught him live once before and that was with a very raw Mongol Hoard.
The day started with a quick show of support at the anti UKIP rally before jumping on a train to Hull. Found our hotel, ate, wandered round Hull, saw some old haunts from my time there back in the 90s then off to the gig.
It was a sweaty, dancing mess of a gig. Sometimes you leave a gig thinking that was good, great even. Very occasionally you leave a gig knowing you've just witnessed something very special. This was one of those gigs. The band just loved it. Always makes a gig better when you can see just how much the band are enjoying it. The gap between encores was pretty much dispensed with 'cos Frank was 'having too much fun to leave the stage'. During 'I Still Believe' Frank nodded at me in a 'you get it' kinda way. I was grinning like a loon. My mate JJ interviewed him the next day. He told Frank he'd broke me and got the reply 'Good'.
Gig was over all too soon. Hotel and sleep.
Sunday 28/09/14
Half 9 train back to Donny still buzzing from the gig. Dave Rotheray from The Beautiful South joined us. By joined I mean sat in the same carriage.
Got home and text anyone that would listen about the gig before heading to Sine FM Towers for The Other Way. Joined this week by Chris Heald (getting a few tips) and The Storm Trees playing some quality live music. Talked about cheese and the merit of wearing a red coat in the woods when going to Grandma's and being owned by cats.
Julie didn't join us as she wasn't feeling to well and didn't want to infect Alistair who has the immune system of a varnished, embalmed banana wrapped in a thawed fish so I headed home to inflict more people with Frank Turner texts.
And that was pretty much that.
The Other Way Play List Sunday 28/09/14
The Other Way - Polkadodge
Move On Up - Curtis Mayfield
Glory Hallelujah - Frank Turner
Rock Boy And A Disco Girl (Live) - The Storm Trees
Lead The Way - The 48ks
Lost Weekend - Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
Lucky Game (Live) - The Storm Trees
Bible John - The Sea Kings
We See So Far - The Storm Trees
Pump It Up - Elvis Costello And The Attractions
Redemption - Frank Turner
Post Break Up Sex - The Vaccines
Teenage Rampage - Sweet
All In A Day - The Talks
The Motive - Then Jerico
Jesus Girl - The Rubys
Put Your Money On Me - The Struts
Your Father And I - The Beautiful South
I Still Believe - Frank Turner
After Hours - We Are Scientist
On Days Like These - Matt Monro
Return Of The Los Palmas 7 - Madness

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