Monday, 21 July 2014

No Rainy Moss

The writing as I go has gone out the window again so expect a very sketchy blog.

Monday 14/07/14

As I'm sure you're aware this blog gets shared on facebook and twitter and some generous souls kindly retweet it. Today I got retweeted by a company called bubblelove. Never heard of them. A brief check led to the discovery that they sell, er, let's say adult products of a phallic nature. How on earth they've stumbled on my blog and felt it fitted with their mandate I have no idea, but thank you anyway. 

Had a quiet day before heading over to Julie's for evening Scrabble, just like the old days. Round one to me with a 15 point victory. ENGORGED did for me in round two. Lost by 57. 42-17. Think we're due a a game of triv soon. 

The word engorged should lead to a retweet from bubblelove again.

Tuesday 15/07/14

The Boomtown Rats once sang 'Nothing Happened Today.' 

All I managed to do today was lose at scrabble (43-17) and fail to go see my mate Chris 'Jolly Roger' Heald (Rum Direction) play at Cask 'cos I felt 'wiped out'.

Wednesday 16/07/14

The Boomtown Rats once sang 'Very Little Happened Today'.

That's not true. 

Very little did happen today though. Sent off a few emails re shopfitting the proposed Aardvark adventure at a reasonable rate then got a migraine.

I've suffered migraines for getting on 40 years. Anyone who gets a bad headache and calls it a migraine can go get bent right now. You have no idea. Mine start with white zig-zag lines disrupting my vision. This used to be my cue to go lie in a darkened room. Now I find I can mentally will the lines away and work through the pain. It doesn't always work. Tonight I managed it and then foolishly thought that live music and real ale would dispatch the remnants of said migraine. 

Headed off to Cask Corner Open Mic night and had a brilliant night. It really is one of the best night's out in Donny. Home feeling OK if not a little drained only to find the migraine had been waiting in bed for me. A very sleepless night.

Thursday 17/07/14

Migraine part two. Got up and got down with the sickness. Was meant to be dining at Julie's parents this evening but the day alternated between my bed and the bathroom and general self pity.

Friday 18/07/14

Woke up slightly fuzzy and with the head still ropey. Thankfully my eyes were OK and I could read the letter my doctor had sent which was basically the correspondence between him and my consultant. It would appear I have critical aortic stenosis. I have no idea what this is, neither does the letter explain. I'm not happy with that word critical in there. I'm yet to google the condition. I'm led to believe that is the worst thing I could do. Personally I'd have thought digging into my chest with a rusty spoon to have a look for myself would be the worst thing I could do.

I'm out with Al The Loon tonight so I'll probably end up googling or digging around with a rusty spoon.

Or both. 

Afternoon Scrabble saw me lose by 40 points. 44-17.

So Friday night started at the Diamond Live lounge, Donny's newest venue, for Polkadodge and Bang Bang Romeo. Great to see quality bands on a big stage in Doncaster town centre. Had a brief chat with Dominic who runs the place. He's very aware of how important a venue like this can be to Donny if they get it right. He admitted to a few teething troubles and that from the initial plan of name bands they'd slipped into competing with other town centre venues, as oppose to working together for the good of the local music scene. It is a work in progress though and I'm confident Diamond can become pivotal in boosting the Donny music scene.

Polkadodge just get tighter and tighter every time I see them, and they've promised me Claudia will return for Tramlines. They have some quality new tunes which will hopefully be coming to a radio show near you soon. 

Bang Bang Romeo finally brought their polished, superbly crafted Tarantinoesque show back home. Both with their music and Starsie's impeccable stage craft BBR are destined for glory. It's just a matter of when. Admittedly when they get there Anastasia will be late. It was brilliant to witness the people of Doncaster finally realise we have some serious contenders here in the borough.

Headed over to Cask and then me and Julie went to meet up with Ian and The Loon. I tripped over a kerb on High Street and just couldn't regain my footing. I ended up flying through the air straight into a group of revellers. I took them out like they were skittles. I rolled over to see one of my victims sprawled out, reaching for his walking stick, clutching his arm and bemoaning the fact he'd just had an operation. As guilty as I feel about it I wish I'd have seen it all unfold. Once we got the guy with the stick to his feet I realised he was taller than me. I think my subconscious saw him and thought, 'I'm not having that, I'm taking him out'. The upshot is a very grazed knee, a sprained left wrist and a realisation that I shouldn't be allowed out.

Saturday 19/07/14

A lazy day saying ow a lot and celebrating the fact that although I ripped my knee I didn't rip my jeans. Afternoon Scrabble saw another defeat. 18 points this time. 45-17.

Nipped to Hallcross in the evening to catch Fluidity at their single launch, on to Cask and then to the Tut to meet up with Ian and Al who'd been in Sheffield all day. Merriment ensued before heading home to peel my jeans off my knee. 

Sunday 20/07/14

Another steady one before The Other Way. Julie joined me for the first time in ages. Had a CD waiting for me from the Orchestre Ruffanti. More of that next week. Did a Tramlines special today, 32 songs played, 21 of which by acts performing at Tramlines next weekend. Headed over to Cask for the jam night. Best one yet. It's becoming another 'must go to' night. Home for Scrabble, curry and to listen to a couple of cds I've agreed to review, the aforementioned Orchestre Ruffanti and the new Rita Payne album. It's all delightfully chilled stuff. So much so that on top of her copious amounts of cider (one and a half pints) Julie drifted off to sleep. Scrabble remains unfinished but I have a healthy lead.

OK, I'm off to write a couple of reviews.



The Other Way Play List Sunday 20/07/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
524 Fidelio - The Wedding Present
Heavy Horses - Fallen Trees
Put Your Money On Me - The Struts
Afterglow - The Crookes
I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down - Elvis Costello And The Attractions
Pride Of Judgement Day - Bluesy Steve (Music Bomb)
Rango - Catfish And The Bottlemen
Help The Aged - Pulp
Chi-Town - The Cribs
Pirouette - Puppet Rebellion
Given To Fly - Pearl Jam
The Bartender And The Thief - Stereophonics
Minute Mile - The Rifles
Is This Our Day In The Sunshine? - Section 60
Johannesburg - Bang Bang Romeo
Tiny Piece - Michelle Green
Valerie -The Zutons
Stand And Fall - The Velcro Teddy Bears
Unfurl - Blessa
Hands Off She's Mine - The Beat
I Could Be A King - The Dunwells
Suffering You Suffering Me - Slow Club
Hearts Are Breaking - High Hazels
Bible John - The Sea Kings
End Of The World - Deap Vally
Lead The way - The 48ks
Some Things - James Taplin & Mick Holmes
Don't Give Me Hope - The Darlingtons
Night Mail - Public Service Broadcasting
Pennsylvania 65000 - Glenn Miller
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers


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