Monday, 12 May 2014

And cough.

bună dimineața


I know!! I get where water can't.

Someone complained that the font I used was too small. What can I say? I was a big baby. Sorry. Anyway, is this better?

As I've said before, since the blog turned into a weekly diary I've struggled to remember what I did the previous week. I tried doing it daily but just got lazy. So now I've took to writing bullet points to remind me. It hasn't worked. For Monday I have:
  • Tea
  • Facebook
  • TV 
  • Alliance
  • Deporter
I don't have a clue what I was gonna say about tea, facebook or TV.    
 I know you should never ask me to make a cup of tea. I can't do it. I used to be able to, up til about age 13 then I went off tea. (Back to the smaller font. Sorry, I prefer it. Just get some glasses or zoom in). So for the last 33 years I've not drunk tea and so have lost the ability to make it. It's the same with speaking German and the perfect sliding tackle.


Monday 05/05/14

Since the last game of Rovers' season away at Leicester City a bond has formed between the two sets of fans. It started with the mutual respect from the fans at the game and then when the tragic news came through that Rovers' fan Ray Dunning had collapsed at the game and later died the respect grew. Leicester lost fan Roger Evans in similar circumstances earlier this season in a game against Brighton. It's put football into perspective and forged  this bond starting with the Leicester City/Doncaster Rovers Alliance page on Facebook that now has, hang on, 1,279 members. Plans are in place for all kinds of wonderful things. I personally have had some great banter this last week with many LCFC fans and look forward to meeting up next season. Finally I have a team I'm bothered about in the Premiership!

Monday is of course Scrabble night. Heartbreaking this week. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. I was leading from the start. No tiles left in the bag. I'm still up by 31. Julie then puts down deporter. Uses all 7 letters. 72 points and out. A quick desperate grab for the dictionary only to find that, alas, a deporter is indeed someone who deports. I lost in the cruelest way. 1-14 now. Hmmpphhh.

Tuesday 06/05/14

I feel we've got to know each other well enough now that I can tell you pretty much anything. Not everything obviously but most things.

Today was all about my testicles.

We OK with that?

Remember the minor procedure I had last December? Check out the blog from 12/12/13 if you really want to relive my pain. Well today was second sample day. Obviously I'm not gonna go into details here and I don't wish to sound big headed but that is a very small receptacle they supply.

I'd also found a lump the previous evening so took my new found hypochondria to the doctors where an old lady, and there's no other word for this, cupped me.

Then I went to see the actual doctor.

Anyway, it's just scar tissue from the aforementioned operation. Oh and some excessive storage apparently. Too much? Let's move on.

Tuesday evening was spent chatting to Leicester fans on facebook, organising a phone interview with Chris Forryan, who started the alliance page, for Sunday's show and a discussion about Leicester musicians and the agreement that I'd play Kasabian, Jersey Budd and Showaddywaddy but not Mark Morrison or the lass who won X-Factor who's name I forget. I don't have a TV so can be clueless about many things. Maybe that's what

  • TV

Julie started her own blog today. Within 24 hours she'd already got more readers than me. Usurped is the word I'm looking for. Good job I love her and she makes great bacon. It is well worth a read though:

I mentioned last week about stopping smoking. Bought some patches that allow you to smoke. The idea being that cos the patch still gives you that 'fix' you cut down on actual cigarettes. Doesn't work. I just have more nicotine in my system than ever now.

Just remembered I forgot to play Showaddywaddy yesterday.

Wednesday 07/05/14

My bullet point for today says

  • emails
That could mean anything!

Oh hang on. Got a list of suppliers for the record shop from Tallbird Records in Chesterfield. Today was the day I emailed said suppliers. That must be it. As you may know the shop was to be Aardvark Records. Sadly that name's taken. How do we feel about The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop?

Had a meeting with my good friend Dean Hutchinson who runs Heads For Business. Some invaluable advice for which I'm eternally grateful. The Notorious Aardvark is a step closer.

Searched online for racking for the shop. That's a bugger to find. Julie, the DIY Goddess that she is, offered to make them but as I pointed out she already works 90 hours a week. I'd make it but as you all know I'm useless. I'm my own walking health and safety nightmare. And not always walking, just to prove my point.

Bought some trainers and got them home to find the immovable security tag still on. I wont mention the shop but it's useful to know their tags don't work in case I'm ever skint with holes in my shoes. I attacked the tag with a carving knife. Broke the tag. And the knife. Useless.

Nipped in to see Andy at The Yorkshire Pie House to show him how I got this blog started. Everyone's at it! 

Thursday 08/05/14

Julie actually managed a day off!! I'm aware I use the word actually, or derivatives thereof, far too many times. Had a lazy day before nipping over to Julie's parents to be fed far too much food. A very enjoyable relaxing evening though.

Friday 09/05/14

Up early and suffering from overeating but had to be in Chesterfield again for 10 for a meeting with one of the suppliers I'd contacted earlier in the week. Another highly productive meeting. Massive thanks to Graham Jones from Proper Music for the advice and competitive terms.

Back to Donny, bought a mirror, then off to Cask to see blues legend Mick Simpson. Had another early start on Saturday so Julie had promised an early night. We were home by 3am!

The first edition of the Doncopolitan magazine was out. It's a quality read and my ego revelled in seeing my name in print.

Saturday 10/05/14

As I said, up early to go host the Sine FM outdoor stage, part of the whole DNweekeND. 16 brilliant acts braving the elements and putting on a stunning show. After it was done we went to stare at a sheet in a dark room before heading up to Cast to see what was happening. So glad we did. We found The Stars Band playing the stage in Sir Nigel Gresley Square. The band stems from the Under The Stars charity who organise nightclubs across South Yorkshire run by and for people with learning disabilities. The last song they played was called 'Sticky', written by singer Steven who wrote it after someone threw a pint over him as he was djing once. It was all very humbling. Their next night in Doncaster is this Thursday at Moods. Myself and Julie promised we'd be there. I really need to get these guys on the radio. Check them out here:

Home for a quick bite (bacon, natch)and back to Cask to see The Torn and enjoy the company of my very good friends Alistair Pearson and Julie Thompson. Julie delighted in spotting someone in the pub taller than me.

As you can see it's only an inch or so and he had massive heels on! People think us tall people would stick together in some kind of group for freaks but I'm sorry to say we suffer from fits of near terminal jealousy. Size envy. It's a male thing.

Sunday 11/05/14

All kinds of plans for today. Watch Julie put a mirror up and attack an egg. We failed at both but did manage to get to Sine for 6pm and The Other Way. I managed to forget all my CDs and notes for the show. Professional as ever. Had a fantastic phone chat with Chris from the LCFC/DRFC Alliance. I'm hoping in the near future to get members from the alliance live in the studio. 

The immensely talented David 'Bo' Ramsay joined me on the show. Bo was probably my most regular guest on the breakfast show and yet despite all that live air time experience still managed to slip in a word not suitable for a family radio show. Apologies all round. Still, not as bad as Anthea Turner, that most talented of dj's (sic), playing Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name Of in full on prime time Radio 1. 

Apologies also for Joe Dolan slipping into the playlist. Same as Shatner last week I had my reasons. This could well become a weekly occurrence. 

Home for special bacon and sleep. 



The Other Way Playlist Sunday 11/05/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Safe European Home - The Clash
Take Her Back - Pigeon Detectives
Run Right Back - The Black Keys
Play Piano - Barstow Bats
Rock Lobster - The B52s
Empire - Kasabian
When Your Smiling - Jersey Budd
Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones
Love Is... - The Beautiful South
Uptown Top Ranking - Althea and Donna
Folsom Prison Blues (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Country Girl - Primal Scream
Ghost Riders In The Sky (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Theme From PSB - Public Service Broadcasting
Hey Jude - The Beatles
Neverland (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Be My Yoko Ono - Barenaked Ladies
Eez-Eh - Kasabian
Some Things - James Taplin & Mick Holmes
Mrs. Robinson - The Lemonheads
Hurt (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Dreaming Of You - The Coral
It's You, It's You, It's You - Joe Dolan
Cemetry (Ode To The IRS) - Bang Bang Romeo
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

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