Monday, 26 May 2014


I'm trying that writing as I go type blog again seeing as it had a modicum of success last week. So here we are 4.30pm Tuesday afternoon and to be honest I need a break from staring at vinyl for a bit.

Monday 19/05/14

The cough was still in full flow Sunday night and I selflessly let Julie listen to me cough, wheeze and moan all night. If Carlsberg made boyfriends.... 

I took my cough down to Ian's to help with moving some fence panels and once again got to watch someone else do things with drills and hammers. I have a real aptitude for this watching other people work malarkey. 

Bought some beetroot (irrelevant) and headed back to my pile of vinyl. The cataloguing continues. Today's gems were all Marty Wilde. The guy's worth a fortune, bless him. His daughter less so. 

Scrabble and salad night (now the beetroot has some relevance), joined again by Bluesy Steve. Another game I was so close to winning. I'm leading by 3 points with no letters left in the bag only for Julie to play a four letter word that managed to make two other four letter words as well, earned 27 points and pretty much wrapped it all up. Eventually lost by 28 points. 18-1!!!!

On the plus side I bought tickets to take Julie to see the greatest band in the history of history itself, The Waterboys, in York in August. I'd taking any beating at Scrabble to see my favourite band with my favourite lady in my favourite city. 

Stayed up til 3am watching 3-2-1. I've no idea why!

Tuesday 20/05/14

A better night's sleep for everyone. God bless buttercup syrup. Back to my flat to sort some paperwork only to find every bill I wanted to pay can't be done over the phone and my laptop was at Julie's. 

As I've said before I feel we know each other well now so can share the odd personal moment. Groomed the beard today and decided that I needed a trim elsewhere. The scissors were too blunt so used the beard trimmer forgetting to change the setting. I believe the phrase is last chicken in the shop. 

Walked out of my flat only to get run over. I've never seen anyone get run over by a mobility scooter. It's happened to me twice in the past twelve months now. And I mean run over. Not almost run over or my left leg lightly brushed. Full on took my legs out run over. I ended up with bruised shins and, there's no over way to say this, with my head nestled between the old lady who was driving's  breasts. I've motorboarded an octogenarian! 

Julie is once again dining with parents and sister so I've bought another irrelevant beetroot, rustled up a salad (I KNOW!!!!) and settling down for a night staring at vinyl. Oh and again she's done a better blog than mine.

Wednesday 21/05/14

I did warn you that with the mountain of records I have to catalogue this blog could get a little vinyl obsessed. Well today I did little else. Had a break to take Julie for a late lunch/early tea and catch up with some of the Cask open mic crowd before heading home to finally finish all the singles. All 989 of them. Buddy Holly was today's gold mine. Only the LPs left to do now.

I know a plethora of musicians and songwriters and this question is aimed at you. What have you all got against the letter G? Virtually every song with an ing in the title replaces it with in'. A few examples:

Andy Williams - Home Lovin' Man
Bad Company = Good Lovin' Gone Bad
The Eagles - Lyin' Eyes
The Drifters - Kissin' In The Back Row Of The Movies

   and so on, and so on. I can't be arsed to trawl through all 989 again. But what is wrong with G? I like G. It's a handy 2 point tile in Scrabble. In music the G-string is a favourite of all juvenile musicians. Admit it, we all love the g-string joke. Only Monday night Bluesy Steve whipped it out, so to speak. I do have a soft spot for G. Stop me now before this gets rude.

Speaking of rude, obviously in all this vinyl there's some I've never heard of. Such as Matador & Fay and the song Sex Grand National. A word of warning: Don't ever google Sex Grand National!!!

Thursday 22/05/14

Started on the LPs today while Julie tidied. A few more gems unearthed. I've bought another stack load of CDs off a mate and some bongos! These turned up mid cataloguing/tidying so we had a break to form a banjolelle/bongo duet. We nailed it. 

The day finished in my least favourite game of Scrabble yet. I couldn't pick a consonant out of the bag to save my life. Not much you can do with A,I,U,U,U,U,I. Julie had the same problem only she couldn't pick any vowels. Several rounds went by with us just playing one letter at a time till we both decided to swap some letters. Not with any great success. We eventually managed to finish the game after nearly 3 hours with of course Julie winning. 19-1. This is getting ridiculous.

Friday 23/05/14

For a Friday this was a very quiet day indeed. The cough is no better and having kept Julie awake all night it was agreed that I'd stay at my flat tonight. There's a big 30 years since we left school reunion thing happening at Parklands but a night in for me with cough medicine and fruit. (Red wine counts as fruit, right)? Very rock 'n' roll. That was it. That was my Friday.

Saturday 24/05/14

The sun only shines when I stay at Julie's. True story. So you can blame the rain on my cough. I've had my punishment though. Woke up by Chinese water torture from a leak in the ceiling. I moved out the way and was woke again an hour later by lumps of plaster falling on my head. I know I'm clumsy and accident prone but it seems unfair that outside influences compact it. It's not my fault my girlfriend is a menace with secateurs or that old women can't steer mobility scooters or that my ceiling is in danger of caving in. Bizarrely James' - (They're All) Out To Get You has just come on my ipod.  

Cabin fever was setting in so off to paint the town porn star martini coloured with Mssrs. Rob Dannatt and Paul Lowing.

More fruit!!!! (Oh I love an innuendo). My fruit leaked though. I remember little else apart from the mocking I got for the constant use of the word really. 

Sunday 25/05/14

A predictably slow start to the day. My ceiling behaved though so the headache must have been for some other reason. Recovered enough to get to Sine FM Towers for this week's show. Another full studio with David Bailey on guitar, Josh and Chaddy from The Velcro Teddy Bears on hats and talking, Dave Wood on crisps and Julie on Buble requests. Cracking show, quality tuneage (apart from Buble) and a discussion on Bob Dylan's strap-on. Took Josh and Chaddy to Cask Corner after (they're gigging there Friday night) then home for a night of stunning (Really? Yes Julie, I know) surprises.

Ate nut roast for the first time, enjoyed cabbage and remarkably won at Scrabble. A close game and I have to confess that Julie missed 4 goes (one though choice, three through making words up - Woh, Viz and Hawe are not acceptable Scrabble words). She did manage the 50 point bonus for Dialect though but I still scraped home by 36 points. 19-2!!!! The re-written We Are The Champions was sung with serious gusto. 

So that was the week. I should point out that having woke up at Julie's the sun is shining. Told you it was a true story.



The Other Way Playlist Sunday 25/05/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Down In The Tube Station - The Jam
Middle Sea - Yuck
On Trial - The Tricks
In A Big Country - Big Country
Stand And Fall - The Velcro Teddy Bears
Minute Mile - The Rifles
No Diggity (Live) - David Bailey
In The Morning - Razorlight
This Is It - The Velcro Teddy Bears
L.A. Woman - The Doors
Hollywood - Michael Buble
Hersham Boys - Sham 69
Summer Breeze - The Velcro Teddy Bears
Legend Of Dandelion And Shoe - Alistair Pearson
Eez-Eh - Kasabian
Could Have Been Me - The Struts
Ship Of Fools - World Party
Fly Away - Carla May (Music Bomb)
Coming Back For More - The Velcro Teddy Bears
Dave - Missing Andy
Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Can Stand The Rain - The Talks
No One Knows (Live) - David Bailey
Never Knew Your Name - Madness
To Be Like - China Rats
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

Monday, 19 May 2014

Just In case Andy Ward was wondering it is indeed a bit long :-)

In a dramatic turn of events I've started writing this on a Friday night. In bed. At 10:30pm. I'm not in the pub. Bizarre.

I have either the makings of a summer cold or my first attempt at hayfever. Either way I wanna get better cos I don't fancy the spare bed. So while Julie's at work I'm here full of chilli, antihistamines, local honey and sucking on a cough sweet while trying not to get Vicks on the laptop.

I'm trying the larger font again just to be wacky and zany.

Maybe this early start to the blog will help me remember just what these bullet points mean.

Monday 12/05/14


I have no idea what
  • ankles
is all about.

My gorgeous girlfriend did her second blog today. It's funnier than mine, more informative than mine and within an hour had way more views than mine. Of course I'm not bitter! The fact that more of my Facebook friends liked Julie's blog when I shared it than mine is by the by. I'll just get my revenge at Monday Scrabble!! If you've not read it than do so. It's brilliant.

As Pete Kennedy said, 'His and her's blogs'. It's kinda cute.

Scrabble then. Julie had left her phone at work so the immensely talented 'Bluesy' Steve Keeton (Barman and bluesman extraordinaire) dropped it off and got roped into vindaloo and scrabble night. At least I had someone to share my pain. The Scrabble that is, not the vindaloo. Although... no, that'd be for Tuesday's entry and we probably don't really want to go there anyway. 

Me and Steve were never in the game. The 8 letter word AVIATION did for us. This included making the word NU. I wasn't having that. Only NU I know is Nu-metal and that really doesn't count. Who'd have thought that nu was the fifteenth letter of the greek alphabet and an Afrikaans slang word for gnu! I did manage to come second but lost by 216 points! 15-1!!!

Tuesday 13/05/14

Had a day back at my flat with the intention of emailing more record shop related people only to find my internet had packed up. I spent an hour on the phone to Virgin getting nowhere and then the credit ran out on my phone. 

I then spent an hour on the phone to t-mobile to find out why my unlimited calls had used up all my credit. 

'Was it an 0800 number?'


'Was it an 0845 number?' 


'Are you sure?' 

Yes. You're my phone company. Check your records. 

'I can't do that without the bill payer's permission.' 

But, I, just who, WHAT!?

'If you top your phone up Sir we can then credit it.'

That's just pay as you go isn't it?

'Not exactly Sir.'

This went on, like I say, for an hour. Eventually I got my credit back and spent another hour on the phone to Virgin to be told there was a problem in the area and my internet would be back on at 10pm. 

Went over to Julie's for hugs and internet and spent the evening chatting on facebook with Leicester City fans about dialect and different names for the same thing. For example we say alley, they say jinnie. We say League One, they say Premiership. Got into trouble when I said I thought a pikelet was a young gypsy.

Julie had gone dining with her parents and sister and came back giddy from laughing too much but her sister had given her details of an online auction on Wednesday with vinyl aplenty.

Wednesday 14/05/14

Auction day. The lots I was interested in were way down the list so I rang the auction house to be told I should make sure I was online for 3pm. The auction started at 10am. So of course I just sat upstairs at Cask Corner on the laptop all day watching the auction. It could have been fatal. I was impressed by my own will power in resisting the 6' broadsword (only went for £15! Wish I hadn't resisted) and the full naval uniform. Given Julie's comments after I really wish I hadn't resisted!

I had to keep Julie away from the laptop during the tools and little tins lots. I ended up buying 694 LPs, 104 CDs, 980 singles, 2 gramophones, 2 radios (for decor), 5 trombones (New light fittings at Cask) and a banjolelle. (A 3 month anniversary present for Julie).

After the auction I got a message from the auction house saying they'd sent me a privet message and lo and behold they'd emailed me about hedges.

Met Ian for some beers after and waxed lyrical about the joys of online auctions and record shop progress. Oh and I think I agreed to go to a school reunion with Alison Blaylock from Doncaster Brewery. Just for an hour.

Thursday 15/05/14

As is the norm on a Thursday we had plans. What was startling about today was that we actually did most of them. I finished off my business plan and wrote an article for the second Doncapolitan magazine and stayed out of Julie's way while she hung the mirror I bought last week. Then I held a ladder while she threw ivy at me. (Insert your own joke here). The egg remains untouched though and we never made it to the Under The Stars night as promised. Next time. 

We did have a bonus Scrabble night though. I was really in this game. Some long, high scoring words flying out though I never did get the 8 letter word out. I was one N away from covering. Julie did however get HOODIES in, the S pluralising todger. Yes I'd put todger down. Sorry. 78 points. Had I been allowed UZI on a triple word score I may have had a chance. The dictionary allowed it, Scrabble checker didn't. I maintain it was wrong. The upshot is I lost by 58 points. 16-1!!

Friday 16/05/14

Another productive meeting with Mark Loraine from Sugarcane with yet more ideas flying around. Oh and he loves the name The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop. 

Then off to C.W. Harrison's in Ossett to pick up all my auction purchases courtesy of Gary Poole and his white van. Julie's dining room is now doubling as my store room apart from the banjolelle which she couldn't wait to get her hands on. It is gorgeous.

 Told you. 

Which kinda brings us up to where we started except it's now 1am. Still sucking on a cough sweet and hoping Julie's tired enough when she gets in to ignore my snoring and not kick me in to the spare bed.  

Saturday 17/05/14

You once again find me blogging at a strange time. 2am Sunday morning. Another night in while Julie grafted. The jury's still out as to whether I have a cold or have successfully developed hayfever for the first time. I don't need another allergy. I've already got one. Raspberries. It's a bugger to manage that one! If I eat enough raspberries I will turn purple and then projectile vomit, purple of course. It's a worry that the people who care for me most are the ones who really want to see me turn purple. 

I'm still signed up to a few jobsites and had 8 emails this morning all saying I should become a personal trainer. Do they not know I'm obese? 

Another productive day. A fence panel got fixed (by Julie), the grass got mown (by Julie), stuff got moved around in the bedroom (by Julie), the ostrich egg finally got drilled and turned into 3 cakes and a massive egg custard (by Julie) and spread sheets were sorted (by Julie) for me to start cataloguing the stock I've bought for the record shop. So that's what I've been doing for the last 9 hours. I did stop to wash up. I'm so useful round the house. 9 hours and so far I've done 81 CDs and 180 singles. The geek in me loves this kinda thing. Lots of cross referencing with Record Collector but it's obviously gonna be a mammoth job. Expect blogs about records for the foreseeable future.

Speaking of future I saw a lass with a t-shirt on yesterday that said 'F**k the future.' That just doesn't make sense.

Back to the records. Found a couple of gems so far. I didn't know they were gems til Record Collector told me of course. I've never even heard of Quiller!

Sunday 18/05/14

It's definitely a cold. Up all night coughing. Went to get in the spare bed only to find out it's reverted back to it's job as part time wardrobe so I just kept Julie awake instead.

More cataloguing of singles and eating ostrich egg (scrambled) before heading to Sine FM Towers for The Other Way. Joined this week by 1/3 of Smoking Beagles, James Taplin and Mick Holmes, and my favourite musical genius that is Mr. Alistair Pearson. They're all good friends of both mine and Julie's and regular performers at Cask Corner Open Mic Night so it was just one big get together. Getting them to pay attention was tricky at times and I got a bit shouty. I can only apologise and put it down to tiredness. Cracking show though.

The day ended with Scrabble. My first go was an 8 letter word. Astonish. Pretty apt really. It did me no good though as Julie clawed her way back. Neck and neck all the way to the death when I once again succumbed. Lost by 37 points. 17-1!!! It's a good job I love her and she can do miracles with ostrich eggs.

I can only presume that my best friend, Ian, doesn't read my blog as he's asked me to help him with some fence panels. That's where I'm heading now.



The Other Way Playlist Sunday 18/05/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
You And Me Song - The Wannadies
Heavy Horses - Fallen Trees
Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis
Pirouette - Puppet Rebellion
I Got The Blues (Live) - James Taplin & Mick Holmes
All Together Now - The Farm
Follow You Home - Embrace
The Legend Of Dandelion And Shoe (Live) - Alistair Pearson
Valerie - The Zutons
Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
I'm Free - The Soup Dragons ft Junior Reid
The Binary Song (Live) - Alistair Pearson ft James Taplin
This Is Not A Love Song - P.I.L.
Wrecking Ball - Bruce Springsteen
Smile - The Supernaturals
The Ballad Of The Last Politician - The Last Politician (Music Bomb)
Spanish Stroll - Mink De Ville
Wednesday Going Down (Live) - James Taplin & Mick Holmes
Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks
Spies - Famous Villians
Wessex Boy -Frank Turner
Utopia (Live) - Alistair Pearson
Rastamouse Theme
Is This Our Day In The Sunshine - Section 60
Please, Please, Please Let Me - The Smiths
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

Rastamouse was a mistake in so many ways but so worth it!

Monday, 12 May 2014

And cough.

bună dimineața


I know!! I get where water can't.

Someone complained that the font I used was too small. What can I say? I was a big baby. Sorry. Anyway, is this better?

As I've said before, since the blog turned into a weekly diary I've struggled to remember what I did the previous week. I tried doing it daily but just got lazy. So now I've took to writing bullet points to remind me. It hasn't worked. For Monday I have:
  • Tea
  • Facebook
  • TV 
  • Alliance
  • Deporter
I don't have a clue what I was gonna say about tea, facebook or TV.    
 I know you should never ask me to make a cup of tea. I can't do it. I used to be able to, up til about age 13 then I went off tea. (Back to the smaller font. Sorry, I prefer it. Just get some glasses or zoom in). So for the last 33 years I've not drunk tea and so have lost the ability to make it. It's the same with speaking German and the perfect sliding tackle.


Monday 05/05/14

Since the last game of Rovers' season away at Leicester City a bond has formed between the two sets of fans. It started with the mutual respect from the fans at the game and then when the tragic news came through that Rovers' fan Ray Dunning had collapsed at the game and later died the respect grew. Leicester lost fan Roger Evans in similar circumstances earlier this season in a game against Brighton. It's put football into perspective and forged  this bond starting with the Leicester City/Doncaster Rovers Alliance page on Facebook that now has, hang on, 1,279 members. Plans are in place for all kinds of wonderful things. I personally have had some great banter this last week with many LCFC fans and look forward to meeting up next season. Finally I have a team I'm bothered about in the Premiership!

Monday is of course Scrabble night. Heartbreaking this week. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. I was leading from the start. No tiles left in the bag. I'm still up by 31. Julie then puts down deporter. Uses all 7 letters. 72 points and out. A quick desperate grab for the dictionary only to find that, alas, a deporter is indeed someone who deports. I lost in the cruelest way. 1-14 now. Hmmpphhh.

Tuesday 06/05/14

I feel we've got to know each other well enough now that I can tell you pretty much anything. Not everything obviously but most things.

Today was all about my testicles.

We OK with that?

Remember the minor procedure I had last December? Check out the blog from 12/12/13 if you really want to relive my pain. Well today was second sample day. Obviously I'm not gonna go into details here and I don't wish to sound big headed but that is a very small receptacle they supply.

I'd also found a lump the previous evening so took my new found hypochondria to the doctors where an old lady, and there's no other word for this, cupped me.

Then I went to see the actual doctor.

Anyway, it's just scar tissue from the aforementioned operation. Oh and some excessive storage apparently. Too much? Let's move on.

Tuesday evening was spent chatting to Leicester fans on facebook, organising a phone interview with Chris Forryan, who started the alliance page, for Sunday's show and a discussion about Leicester musicians and the agreement that I'd play Kasabian, Jersey Budd and Showaddywaddy but not Mark Morrison or the lass who won X-Factor who's name I forget. I don't have a TV so can be clueless about many things. Maybe that's what

  • TV

Julie started her own blog today. Within 24 hours she'd already got more readers than me. Usurped is the word I'm looking for. Good job I love her and she makes great bacon. It is well worth a read though:

I mentioned last week about stopping smoking. Bought some patches that allow you to smoke. The idea being that cos the patch still gives you that 'fix' you cut down on actual cigarettes. Doesn't work. I just have more nicotine in my system than ever now.

Just remembered I forgot to play Showaddywaddy yesterday.

Wednesday 07/05/14

My bullet point for today says

  • emails
That could mean anything!

Oh hang on. Got a list of suppliers for the record shop from Tallbird Records in Chesterfield. Today was the day I emailed said suppliers. That must be it. As you may know the shop was to be Aardvark Records. Sadly that name's taken. How do we feel about The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop?

Had a meeting with my good friend Dean Hutchinson who runs Heads For Business. Some invaluable advice for which I'm eternally grateful. The Notorious Aardvark is a step closer.

Searched online for racking for the shop. That's a bugger to find. Julie, the DIY Goddess that she is, offered to make them but as I pointed out she already works 90 hours a week. I'd make it but as you all know I'm useless. I'm my own walking health and safety nightmare. And not always walking, just to prove my point.

Bought some trainers and got them home to find the immovable security tag still on. I wont mention the shop but it's useful to know their tags don't work in case I'm ever skint with holes in my shoes. I attacked the tag with a carving knife. Broke the tag. And the knife. Useless.

Nipped in to see Andy at The Yorkshire Pie House to show him how I got this blog started. Everyone's at it! 

Thursday 08/05/14

Julie actually managed a day off!! I'm aware I use the word actually, or derivatives thereof, far too many times. Had a lazy day before nipping over to Julie's parents to be fed far too much food. A very enjoyable relaxing evening though.

Friday 09/05/14

Up early and suffering from overeating but had to be in Chesterfield again for 10 for a meeting with one of the suppliers I'd contacted earlier in the week. Another highly productive meeting. Massive thanks to Graham Jones from Proper Music for the advice and competitive terms.

Back to Donny, bought a mirror, then off to Cask to see blues legend Mick Simpson. Had another early start on Saturday so Julie had promised an early night. We were home by 3am!

The first edition of the Doncopolitan magazine was out. It's a quality read and my ego revelled in seeing my name in print.

Saturday 10/05/14

As I said, up early to go host the Sine FM outdoor stage, part of the whole DNweekeND. 16 brilliant acts braving the elements and putting on a stunning show. After it was done we went to stare at a sheet in a dark room before heading up to Cast to see what was happening. So glad we did. We found The Stars Band playing the stage in Sir Nigel Gresley Square. The band stems from the Under The Stars charity who organise nightclubs across South Yorkshire run by and for people with learning disabilities. The last song they played was called 'Sticky', written by singer Steven who wrote it after someone threw a pint over him as he was djing once. It was all very humbling. Their next night in Doncaster is this Thursday at Moods. Myself and Julie promised we'd be there. I really need to get these guys on the radio. Check them out here:

Home for a quick bite (bacon, natch)and back to Cask to see The Torn and enjoy the company of my very good friends Alistair Pearson and Julie Thompson. Julie delighted in spotting someone in the pub taller than me.

As you can see it's only an inch or so and he had massive heels on! People think us tall people would stick together in some kind of group for freaks but I'm sorry to say we suffer from fits of near terminal jealousy. Size envy. It's a male thing.

Sunday 11/05/14

All kinds of plans for today. Watch Julie put a mirror up and attack an egg. We failed at both but did manage to get to Sine for 6pm and The Other Way. I managed to forget all my CDs and notes for the show. Professional as ever. Had a fantastic phone chat with Chris from the LCFC/DRFC Alliance. I'm hoping in the near future to get members from the alliance live in the studio. 

The immensely talented David 'Bo' Ramsay joined me on the show. Bo was probably my most regular guest on the breakfast show and yet despite all that live air time experience still managed to slip in a word not suitable for a family radio show. Apologies all round. Still, not as bad as Anthea Turner, that most talented of dj's (sic), playing Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name Of in full on prime time Radio 1. 

Apologies also for Joe Dolan slipping into the playlist. Same as Shatner last week I had my reasons. This could well become a weekly occurrence. 

Home for special bacon and sleep. 



The Other Way Playlist Sunday 11/05/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Safe European Home - The Clash
Take Her Back - Pigeon Detectives
Run Right Back - The Black Keys
Play Piano - Barstow Bats
Rock Lobster - The B52s
Empire - Kasabian
When Your Smiling - Jersey Budd
Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones
Love Is... - The Beautiful South
Uptown Top Ranking - Althea and Donna
Folsom Prison Blues (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Country Girl - Primal Scream
Ghost Riders In The Sky (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Theme From PSB - Public Service Broadcasting
Hey Jude - The Beatles
Neverland (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Be My Yoko Ono - Barenaked Ladies
Eez-Eh - Kasabian
Some Things - James Taplin & Mick Holmes
Mrs. Robinson - The Lemonheads
Hurt (Live) - David 'Bo' Ramsay
Dreaming Of You - The Coral
It's You, It's You, It's You - Joe Dolan
Cemetry (Ode To The IRS) - Bang Bang Romeo
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

Monday, 5 May 2014

There's murmurings afoot

Good morning ladies and gentleman and welcome to the 250th blog from this here peanut/ex-sausage. Thank you to every one of you who has took the time to read my meanderings and for all the kind words. For those of you that haven't read the blog this is a pointless sentence 'cos your not reading this either. So, what damage was done last week?

Monday 28/04/14

I took it upon myself to clean Julie's fridge out. One of those jobs that as soon as you start you instantly regret. She's not a fan of waste but I'm not sure that excuses the jar of green dated Feb 2011. My chores done I headed into town to dance round Sainsbury's to Glenn Miller. It's the only way to shop. 

Of course Monday is the traditional Scrabble night and guess what? I lost. Handsomely. Losing 11-1 now! I did find a new game though. The dictionary we use to check if words like gropiest exist (sorry Baby but it's still not a word, even if it is a thing) has a speech function. I reverted back to childhood and got my laptop to say rude words. I'm 46 you know.

Tuesday 29/04/14

Doctors appointment. I've been coughing for 18 years now, or 2 months if you prefer and, having seen the adverts thought I better get my lungs checked out. After intensive stephoscoping the Doc said, 'Well your lungs are fine but we'll get them x-rayed just to be sure. How long have you had the heart murmur though?' 'Er, what heart murmur?' It would seem I have a murmuring heart. I've always found murmuring rude. If you've got something to say then say it out loud. I expect better from my body parts. 'Anyway, it's nothing to worry about unless you've been getting breathless or dizzy.' 'Ah, now you come to mention it....' So I'm being referred to a cardio dude. And since then every little twinge in my chest has had me panicking. I'm not enjoying my new found hypochondria. I decided there and then to stop smoking. Well, as soon as I'd finished the packet in my pocket.

 Highlight of the visit was having my blood pressure taken (It's fine by the way). (Ah ,the love of parenthesis continues) As the sleeve tightened round my arm blood spurted from the Julie inflicted secateurs wound on my finger all over the doc and his pristine surgery. He kindly gave me a plaster. I didn't get a lolly though. Oh how times have changed. 

Went back to Julie's and dug out all the things that I binned from the fridge that I shouldn't have.

A bonus Tuesday night game of Scrabble and as I smoked my 'last' cigarette Julie again hammered me.12-1!

Wednesday 30/04/14

Woke up with the mother of all b***ard, twatting, gits of a migraine. I put it down to not having a cigarette for 14 hours. The day was gone. Didn't even make it to open mic night at Cask. Anyone who suffers will know and those of you that call bad headaches migraines you have no idea!

Thursday 01/05/14

Julie's day off. Up there with Sundays (her other day off) as my favourite day of the week. So obviously on her day off she had to go into work briefly. For briefly read from 10am to 7:30pm. That girl works too hard. I spent the day on my business plan and arranging appointments necessary for the record store and then gallantly cooked when Julie got home, the least I could do really. I then got gallantly hammered at the 2nd bonus Scrabble game of the week. 13-1. Cant begrudge this one though after the day she'd had. Oh and I bought cigarettes. Sorry.

Friday 02/05/14

Had a meeting with Mark Lorraine and his colleagues at Sugarcane re a website for the record store. It was awesome. The ideas and enthusiasm buzzing round the room was overwhelming. I'm more excited than ever. Mark is a good friend and, I think, a potential genius.

Friday afternoon saw me nipping over to Chesterfield, a brave move on my part, to visit Tallbird Records. A massive thank you to Maria (the tall bird) for her info, help and list of contacts.

A rare quiet night in alone on Friday evening. I was bored out of my head.

Saturday 03/05/14

Met my daughter George and her fella for lunch, somewhat bizarrely in Bawtry. Still the NYC Grill is well worth a visit. Whilst there I nervously followed Rovers last game shenanigans on my phone. Another nail biting end to the season with once again Rovers fate being sealed in injury time. Sadly the complete reverse of last season and it's back to League One we go. 

Back home to raise a glass to my Mum (she would have been 77 today) and to find out that a Rovers' fan had passed out at the game and died in Leicester hospital later that afternoon. Puts it all into perspective. It is, after all, only a game. Took me too many years to realise that.

A drunken night out followed with Rob Dannatt. The 20p came out. (More brackets. Me and Rob occasionally decide the fate of our nights out on the toss of a 20p coin which is why we have been seen in Sugar Lounge and Number 15 before. I think we do it for fun but I'm not convinced. It's more like torture). Thankfully, for some reason, we ignored the 20p this night. I think it was when Baileys was mentioned. Sorry Marc.

Staggered home with a kebab that I didn't want and ended up giving away. Money well spent. Fell into bed and didn't enjoy Sunday morning at all.

Sunday 04/05/14

Had to make my own bacon. Never good. Off to Julie's at 4 to find her full of cold and basically feeling crap. She works too hard. I may have mentioned that. Sine FM at 6 for The Other Way and joined this week by local Blues Legend Mick Simpson. If I told you the people he's worked with we'd be here all day. He played at BB King's 80th birthday bash. Think that says all you need to know. Had a really good chat, and more importantly lots of laughs, and played tracks off his new album. It's sublime. He's live at Cask this Friday. Be there. 

Back to Julie's, made bacon. Slept.

And that's it.

Just to say if you're in Donny town centre next Saturday I'm hosting the Sine FM stage at Clock Corner from 10am - 4pm, all part of the DNweekeND. A wealth of talent on display so pop over and enjoy some of the best in local music. Oh and the first edition of the Doncopolitan magazine comes out the same day and I've a Bang Bang Romeo article included. We should have copies with us to give away.



The Other Way Playlist Sunday 04/05/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Follow You Home - Embrace
Trouble Brewing - Mick Simpson
Town Without Pity - Eddie Reader
Torn On The Platform - Jack Penate
Shimmer Gold - Dexters
Cabron - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Unfinished Business - Mick Simpson
Nightswimming - R.E.M.
Utopia - Alistair Pearson
Common People - William Shatner
Play Piano - Barstow Bats
Ivory Tower - Malaya Blue
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Pretty Vacant - The Sex Pistols
Rise - P.I.L.
Rotations - The Darlingtons
Bourbon Street - Malaya Blue
Special Brew - Bad Manners
Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix
Never Fade Away - Spector
For The Love Of You - Mick Simpson
Happy Hour - The Housemartins
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

Apologies for the Shatner track but I had a VERY good reason.