Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Do You Sell Records?

What can I say? Three weeks since I blogged but it's been a hectic time. I'd left myself one reminder of something I wished to discuss which simply said 'baguette'. I think it may refer to the policeman who walked past the shop brandishing a baguette. (Cheese and pickle I think). I can only presume government cuts have lead to a truncheon shortage.

Last week was the mad final push to get The Notorious Aardvark Shop ready for business so it's all a bit blurry but here goes:

Monday 27/10/14

Seems so long ago now. I know myself and Alistair continued cataloguing and pricing the stock. Julie may have been building racks for the stock or that may have been Tuesday. 

Tuesday 28/10/14

Seems so long ago now. I know myself and Alistair continued cataloguing and pricing the stock. Julie may have been building racks for the stock or that may have been yesterday. Or Wednesday.

Wednesday 29/10/14

Seems so long ago now. I know myself and Alistair continued cataloguing and pricing the stock. Julie may have.... let's take it as read I really can't remember. It's all such a blur. We're talking 17 hour shifts here.

Thursday 30/10/14 and Friday 31/10/14

Got to the shop at 7am for more of the above. We were still waiting on the delivery of plastic sleeves which were vital to the cataloguing system we were going with. Julie came over around 6pm to start building the shop counter as I carried on pricing stock up. She really is ridiculously talented. We worked through the night joined again at around 8am by Alistair and his Julie (I use his in the 'his girlfriend' kinda way. Not in a she's his property kind of way. Just the opposite). Tony Nicholson pitched in too as he has several times over the last few weeks. Julie left at about 9am, aching after a job well done knowing she had to handle Halloween night later at Cask Corner.

I nipped to DRI for my hospital appointment. I'm a miracle of modern science. I explained to the nurse taking my blood pressure that I'd had a stressful couple of weeks and had been awake for 28 hours. We both fully expected the sphygmomanometer to run and hide under a table but somewhat surprisingly all was good. The consultant confirmed I do have critical aortic stenosis but, bizarrely (her words), no symptoms so I've been discharged for 6 months.

Back to the shop just in time for the plastic sleeves to arrive. Round about 10pm I realised I was no longer capable of sticking labels on sleeves and after a 39 hour shift declared it home time. The plan was to get in for 5am Saturday morning and finish off before opening the shop at 9am.

Saturday 01/11/14 - First Day Of Trading For The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop

So the alarm went off at 4 and was told just where to go. It tentatively nudged me again at 4.30 but looked shocked by my response. Eventually got to the shop for 6. We just about got finished in time for opening. So officially the first sale was a brand spanking new copy of The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds on vinyl. (Unofficially, my mate Deano nipped in on Friday and bought a Yes album a good 18 hours before we started trading). 

It was a very emotional day. My tired state didn't help. Quality live music from start to finish and a pretty much constant stream of customers. The words resounding and success spring to mind. Thank you so much to all the acts that played especially Sick Note Tez for letting me Molly Gray once again despite my lack of egg.

Thanks to everyone who visited the shop and for all the words of encouragement. 

I made the stupid mistake of a celebratory drink after closing. Bad move. I got very drunk very quickly and basically couldn't talk. If memory serves Paul Lowing played me a new WTF Audio song to me and I just stated crying. Ho-hum.

A quick tip of the hat to the young chap who came into the shop mid-afternoon, stared at all the vinyl and asked if we sold records. Genius.

As regards the shop there are several people to thank for it being open in time. The without whom list:

Julie Buckley for building work, night shifts and putting up with my grumpiness.
Alistair Pearson for IT help, counting and dodgy painting.
Julie Thompson for lifts, shopping and exemplary painting.
Tony Nicholson for  painting, sawing, counting and being genuinely funny.
Liam and Matt McCormack for touching up.
Chloe (Will's girlfriend) for not cleaning the toilets but cleaning everything else.
Chris Perkins for skirting boards and morale boosting.
William Saunders for testing out the sofa.
David Bailey for comic relief.
Lorna Buckley for designing a seriously kick-ass logo.

And if I've forgotten anyone I can only apologise. Blame the 39 hour shift.

Sunday 02/11/14

One of the most well deserved lie-ins in the history of bedroom antics occurred today. Eventually got up about 1. Ish. Went to the shop to do all the tidying that I was too lazy to do on Saturday and then over to Sine FM Towers for The Other Way. A very hectic show with live music from Passion Play and Danny Landau (with Emily Blackledge from The Danny Landau Band on fiddle/violin. I never did find out). Alistair and I trashed Passion Play's final song with kazoo accompaniment which the chaps took splendidly. Danny was so impressed he's promised to write a kazoo quartet for the next time he's on the show. And the iPod Roulette jingle was performed magnificently as a septet for the first (and probably only) time (with kazoo).  

After the show I headed over to Julie's for toad in the hole, failed euphemisms and sleep.

And that was that. I'm finally a 6'5", small businessman.



The Other Way Play List Sunday 02/11/14

The Other way - Polkadodge
We Gotta get Out Of This Place - The Animals
Brassneck - The Wedding Present
Easy Money - Johnny Marr
Living At The End Of The World (Live) - Passion Play
Life - Beans On Toast
Park Road (Live) - Passion Play
Rubber Bullets - 10cc
The Sting (Live) - Passion Play
Rise - Public Image Ltd.
The Jean Genie - David Bowie
Where The Wind Blows - The 48ks
Difficult Times (Live) - Danny Landau
Venus As A Boy - Bjork
Not Too Young - The Tricks
Alright - The Franceens
Heartbeat (live) - Danny Landau
American Patrol - Glenn Miller Orchestra
45 - Danny Landau
The Hustle - Van McCoy

Monday, 13 October 2014

With Wood Chip Finally Off The wall

Well, apologies first of all for no blog last week. You didn't miss much to be honest. Been that busy working on the shop that I just didn't have time to blog. This also means had I blogged it would read like this:


Stripped wood chip off the walls.


Stripped wood chip off the walls.


Who the pigging hell still uses wood chip anyway? Still stripping it off the bloody walls.



Admittedly it also means I didn't get to blog about Julie's birthday shenanigans, waking up in bed with half a peanut butter sandwich, a holy (sic) inappropriate radio show and my biggest thrashing ever at Scrabble but them's the breaks.

I digress.


Monday 06/10/14

Stripped wood chip off the wall. Actually that's a lie. But let's face it, all my dubious D.I.Y is gonna be very dull so take it as read that pretty much all I did Monday to Thursday was sand/fill/clean/sweep/make coffee etc at the shop. There was the odd pint at The Doncaster Brewery Tap (it's pure coincidence that the shop is so close to The Tap I could probably frisbee a well aimed vinyl straight through their door) and I did sleep and eat but that's about it. Still, we've gone from this:

to this:

to this:

Friday 10/10/14

Working at the shop when Ken Perkins nipped by to tell me the sad news that Jumping Dave Eynott had died. 

Dave was a real character around Donny. Anyone who saw him play pool will know where the nickname Jumping came from. Anyone who saw him watch a live band will know where his other nickname, Dancing Dave, came from. Some people try hard to be 'a character' and they just come off being loud and obnoxious. Dave was just himself. He went out to enjoy himself. That's what made Dave the man he was. And behind the dancing was one of the most kind hearted, genuine people I ever knew. On a personal note, on my first night out back in Donny after coming back from Chesterfield Dave was the person to welcome me back. 'I'm sorry it didn't work out but it's good to have you back, and you're back amongst friends'. 


Spent the afternoon doing the first coat of paint on the shop floor with Julie. I was meant to be in Scunthorpe Friday night with The 48ks but by the time I'd finished painting it was too late. Plan B was to go to Sheffield. I'd been invited by the people at The Rocking Chair to see Glass Caves. But once I'd eaten and showered I made the crucial error of sitting down to have five. Once I could move again Sheffield was off the agenda so settled for a few in town.

Saturday 11/10/14

I say I only had a few Friday night but it did lead to me running very late Saturday morning. Had the second coat to do on the floor. Sailed through it, dancing as I painted and the sun shone through the windows. Finished in time for a jar in Cask before heading home, shower, eat and back out. Bang Bang Romeo headlining Sheffield O2 for the first time tonight and was meeting Rob Dannatt and Mark Loraine at half 6. 

After various delays we finally got to the O2 for about half 8. Caught the end of The SSS' set. Enjoyable but the kinda music you'd put on whilst you're doing something else, like washing up or brushing the hamster. Nothing that grabbed you round the throat, dragged you to the front and made you pay attention. Which is exactly what Bang Bang Romeo do.

I've waxed lyrical about BBR many a time but they deserve every single superlative. In fact after Saturday night's performance we might have to invent some more. They were simply on fire. The gig was touted as possibly their last as an unsigned band. I really hope so. They deserve ever bit of success.

An early finish lead to us being back in Donny for 11. Bad move. Cask, Woolpack (with a stop off for pie 'cos Rob Dannatt has yet to learn night out etiquette) and I cant remember much more. This was bad as on Sunday I was meant to start varnishing the shop floor.

Sunday 12/10/14

Julie was hoping to help me varnish today but her sciatica has flared up again so she couldn't make it. My hangover was so grateful. So it was a day chilling before heading to Sine FM Towers for The Other Way. Alistair was in fine fettle again. JJ from The First 45 joined us, briefly, and looked frankly disturbed at our tangents. I try not to think of them. Think I'd be worried if I paid attention. Just be warned, hide your yoghurts when the Doncaster Yak cull starts. And can I just apologise for throwing things at Alistair throughout the show. Julie Bear (for a run down on the show's Julies see The Other Way 28/10/14) was there as a silent witness and keeping up our contractual obligation to have a Julie in the studio at all times. I think she sees her role as first aid in case one of us laughs ourselves to death. It has become a competition as to who can make the other speechless with laughter. I think I'm winning 2-1. We did manage to play iPod Roulette

and I finally got to play People Like You by WTF Audio, the track I've been longing to play for ages. Chris Perkins finally sent me the final edit last week. It is the catchiest thing ever with a stunning vocal from the multi talented Laura Kelly. I absolutely love it. 

And that was that. Before I go can I just say thank you for everyone showing their support for The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop. It's all a bit humbling.

Thank you all



The Other Way Play List Sunday 12/10/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Harvest Moon - Neil Young    (For Jumping Dave)
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
Highway Shoes - Holy Moly And The Crackers
High On A Hill - Ian McNabb
Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
Possessed - Vegas
People Like You - WTF Audio
Family Man - Mike Oldfield
Reach Out - Bang Bang Romeo
Frog Princess - The Divine Comedy
Undercover Of The Night - The Rolling Stones
Whiskey In The Jar - Metallica
Lose Control - James
Time Ticks Away - The Monday Club
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
She Makes Me Feel - The Struts
I Wanna Be Sedated - The Ramones
The Snake - Al Wilson
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

If I Had A Hammer

Late again I know but I'm a busy man. I've been destroying my shop in the hope that someone can rebuild it. The ceiling was knackered so I've torn it down. I'm good at that bit. It's the replacing it I'll need help with. Anyway, the week in the life of a now shopkeeper. Recordmonger? Coster of vinyl? Not decided on my official title yet. Given I'm still a month away from opening we can still stick with 'bum' for the time being.

Monday 22/09/14

I've done it again. Can't remember a thing. I know I nearly didn't get to the shop 'cos I was busy chatting with Chris 'Rum Direction' Heald. 

I have just recalled that I failed to furnish you with details of my conversation with the hospital from last week. As you may, or may not, know I had a couple of scans on my heart some time ago. It would seem I have a critical aortic stenosis, not so critical that the hospital are in any rush to deal with it though.  Anyway I rang them last week to enquire about my appointment:

'Ah yes, you're on our list. Er, you're appointment was this morning at 9am'.

'Why didn't you tell me'?

'We did. We wrote and text'.

'You didn't otherwise I'd have been there'.

'Well it's not our responsibility to let you know about appointments'.

'Er, it is really'.

'Well the computer says we told you and now it has you down as having discharged yourself'.

'And what do you, an actual human being with your own thought process say'?

'There's no need for that attitude Mr. Saynor'.

'You're not the one with a dodgy heart'.

'You'll have to go back to your doctor and get referred again'.

'No I wont. You have to find me an appointment'.

This went on for some time till they found me an appointment, October 31st. As I said on Facebook, if my heart packs in before then please sue D.R.I. for loss of tall person.

Tuesday 23/09/14

I was up early to get to Chesterfield for a meeting with a supplier. I was sat in the cafe we'd agreed to meet in only to get a call asking where I was. It turns out my supplier had got the wrong Simon and was waiting for me in Basingstoke. Ah well. It was still a lovely day and Chesterfield is very pretty. My mood was yet to be dampened. I was getting the shop keys today.

Rang St. Modwen when I got in. They hadn't got the paperwork back from their solicitors yet. No keys. Now my mood was dampened. 

Checked my emails. Would you like a holiday in Kingston-Upon-Hull? Mood finally hit rock bottom.

Went to Julie's and won at Scrabble (50-23 now). Still didn't cheer up.

Wednesday 24/09/14

Sat in all day waiting for a phone call from St. Modwen's solicitors re keys. Didn't happen. Sulked.

Thursday 25/09/14

Got woke up by my phone ringing. An unknown number. This was it!!!!

'Mr. Saynor'?


'Did you know you could claim PPI on a......'


As it was the required call came not long after and I picked my keys up. Spent an hour sat in my shop just happily staring at four walls and a knackered ceiling.

Went to Julie's and despite my nagging she wouldn't come and sit in the shop with me. I lost at Scrabble (51-23) but still didn't stop smiling.

Friday 26/09/14

Got cracking tearing the ceiling down while my mate Ian started sanding the walls. To paraphrase Roy Scheider we're gonna need a bigger sander. Felt good to be grafting again. I pigging ached by the end of the day though and I've been sneezing black since.

Friday night saw me heading over to York with Alistair and his better half, Julie, for an acoustic gig at The Black Swan. Sadly some ignorant dickheads decided when the act they came to see wasn't playing they'd just talk loudly over whoever was playing. It's a pet hate especially in a venue that has plenty of other places where you can go and talk. Once it was just people in there who cared about the music though it was a lovely chilled night. We left before the headline act because he couldn't be bothered to watch any other acts (another pet hate) so we couldn't be bothered to watch him.

Saturday 28/09/14

Big day today. Frank Turner live in Hull with my favourite gigging partner (Daughter No.1 George). George got me into Frank a few years back but I've only caught him live once before and that was with a very raw Mongol Hoard. 

The day started with a quick show of support at the anti UKIP rally before jumping on a train to Hull. Found our hotel, ate, wandered round Hull, saw some old haunts from my time there back in the 90s then off to the gig. 

It was a sweaty, dancing mess of a gig. Sometimes you leave a gig thinking that was good, great even. Very occasionally you leave a gig knowing you've just witnessed something very special. This was one of those gigs. The band just loved it. Always makes a gig better when you can see just how much the band are enjoying it. The gap between encores was pretty much dispensed with 'cos Frank was 'having too much fun to leave the stage'. During 'I Still Believe' Frank nodded at me in a 'you get it' kinda way. I was grinning like a loon. My mate JJ interviewed him the next day. He told Frank he'd broke me and got the reply 'Good'.

Gig was over all too soon. Hotel and sleep.

Sunday 28/09/14

Half 9 train back to Donny still buzzing from the gig. Dave Rotheray from The Beautiful South joined us. By joined I mean sat in the same carriage. 

Got home and text anyone that would listen about the gig before heading to Sine FM Towers for The Other Way. Joined this week by Chris Heald (getting a few tips) and The Storm Trees playing some quality live music. Talked about cheese and the merit of wearing a red coat in the woods when going to Grandma's and being owned by cats.

Julie didn't join us as she wasn't feeling to well and didn't want to infect Alistair who has the immune system of a varnished, embalmed banana wrapped in a thawed fish so I headed home to inflict more people with Frank Turner texts.

And that was pretty much that.



The Other Way Play List Sunday 28/09/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Move On Up - Curtis Mayfield
Glory Hallelujah - Frank Turner
Rock Boy And A Disco Girl (Live) - The Storm Trees
Lead The Way - The 48ks
Lost Weekend - Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
Lucky Game (Live) - The Storm Trees
Bible John - The Sea Kings
We See So Far - The Storm Trees
Pump It Up - Elvis Costello And The Attractions
Redemption - Frank Turner
Post Break Up Sex - The Vaccines
Teenage Rampage - Sweet
All In A Day - The Talks
The Motive - Then Jerico
Jesus Girl - The Rubys
Put Your Money On Me - The Struts
Your Father And I - The Beautiful South
I Still Believe - Frank Turner
After Hours - We Are Scientist 
On Days Like These - Matt Monro
Return Of The Los Palmas 7 - Madness

Monday, 22 September 2014

I Believe We've Met Before

Buenas tardes. ¿Tienes alguna plátanos embalsamados?

That's for the lone Mexican who read last week's blog.

It's been another mixed bag of a week. Mixed bag. Bit of an odd saying if you think about it. I suppose it's a bit like a lucky dip. I used to like lucky dips, though I invariably ended up with bath salts. Anyway, here goes:

Monday 15/09/14

As documented last week I had a twat of a headache (that is the official medical term) all day but forced myself into town to sign the papers for the lease on The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop. There had been a bit of a hitch in that the figures they'd quoted for service charges had changed (in my favour) so it was more a checking everything else was OK on the paperwork session before it went back to the solicitors. 

Everything in order so home to eat then off to Julie's to moan about my headache and use it as an excuse not to get beat at Scrabble.

Tuesday 16/09/14

As documented last week etc. etc. etc. Headache still in full flow. I slept. A lot. Till the window cleaner went for me with his extended chamois. Is that right? It looks wrong. Can we just go with shammy? I've always liked Tuesdays but feel I need to find something more exciting to do with them. I might make Tuesdays my hat wearing day.

Wednesday 17/09/14

Woke up by a phone call from St. Modwen. The revised paperwork was ready. Into town to sign papers. For those that aren't aware the shop will be in Kingsgate, Waterdale. Facebook followers may already know that. The evening found me at Cask Corner's Open Mic night where Alistair did a marvellous rendition of Free Bird. He changed the tune and all the words and it sounded very much like his own song, Music, but it has to go down as one of the best covers ever,

Thursday 18/09/14

Julie's day off so went over mid morningish (about 3pm) and did very little apart from eat a quite wonderful homemade fish pie that made us both sleep. God knows what was in it. Fish is my best guess. 

Friday 19/09/14

Had a meeting with Mark Loraine about the shop website which will now hopefully be active sometime very soon, once I've written a few bits and bobs for it. Bumped into my mate Kerry in the Market Deli who was inexplicably carrying a potato round with her. Had another brief meeting with St. Modwen about a press release and that was it really. Stayed in on a Friday night.

I know!!

Made it my new music session. Nottingham band House Of Thieves sent me some tracks over. Brilliant stuff. Had a good chat on Facebook and for once managed to keep my promise of playing them on Sunday's show. 

Saturday 20/09/14

Gigging tonight with Ian. The Pieces at The Leadmill. We totally failed to make it. We met at the allotted time. Kind of. I was waiting in The Leopard. Ian got there and walked straight out as he refused to be served in a plastic glass. Er, obviously the beer was being served in plastic glasses (my favourite oxymoron), not that Ian was wearing a plastic glass. That would just be weird. 

We relocated to The Corner Pin and discussed our folly of going to Sheffield the same day Rovers had played Chesterfield at home. A lot of Spireites milling about, 99% of whom were a joy to chat with despite Rovers winning 3-2. Sadly the 1% were on the same platform as us when we finally got to the station and were basically looking for what I believe is called a bit of a rumble. We got a bit confused by the train times then realised that the train we wanted had somehow turned into a bus so we headed to The Railway with the plan of catching a later train.

We lost track of time and missed that train then the lethargy set in. We kind of agreed that neither of us were really bothered about the gig but having bought tickets felt we should go really. We decided the flip of a coin would seal our fate. Tails. We stayed in Donny. Ian ran off to the station to give the tickets away and we headed into town. 

Sunday 21/09/14

Sunday's have developed a bit of a pattern. I wake feeling a tad groggy. Eventually do some half arsed planning for the radio then head off to Sine FM Towers to do The Other Way.  Since Alistair became co-host we're playing fewer and fewer songs. So much for my half arsed planning. I do feel bad about the new bands I promise to play and then fail to. It is a lot of fun though. Quality live music again from James Taplin and Mick Holmes and I managed to render Alistair speechless through laughter. I can't quite remember how. Something to do with deja vu. (Allo, my name is Dave Ja Vu. I believe we have met before). I could be paraphrasing myself. 

We did establish that the 50p and £2 coin seem to be the nation's favourite, though threepenny bits got quite a mention. Alistair used to like Cox's and the jury is still out on cucumbers. 

We did successfully play iPod Roulette though!

I caused some controversy by changing the closing music. Oh the abuse. Back to Jonathan Richman next week.

Since The Strutters got on board we get inundated with messages and requests and I do try to keep up but quite obviously fail abysmally for which I can only apologise.

The night ended in another Scrabble defeat. I was never in this one. Julie has reached her half century. 50-22 is now the running total. Oh and Julie managed to mistake spinach for meat in the Polish shop and made me eat green.

And so ends another week in  the life of a Freelance Peanut.



The Other Way Play List Sunday 21/09/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
Good Morning Britain - Aztec Camera ft Mick Jones
Homesick - Catfish And The Bottlemen
Temptation - New Order
Swampsnake - The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Heart Of Glass - Blondie
Tequila - Terrorvision
Lovers Tiff - House Of Thieves
Dirty Sexy Money - The Struts
Freakin' Out - Graham Coxon
Church Not Made With Hands - The Waterboys
Back In The U.S.S.R - The Beatles
Way Back Home - Rupert Stroud
Wednesday Going Down (Live) - James Taplin & Mick Holmes
Drinkin' My Whisky - Slug The Nightwatchman
Goodnight My City - The Dunwells
Papa Loves Mambo - Perry Como
Zorba The Greek

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

What Time Do You Call This?

I'm fully aware I'm a bit late this week. Had another big weekend and it wiped me out a bit. Had a corker of a headache Monday and Tuesday and I slept most of Tuesday. I was kindly woken by the window cleaner who saved me the hassle of having to shower. 

My flat is on the first floor (second floor I believe to Darrin and Jack over in Fishers, Indiana). My bed is next to a window. The window was open. The window cleaner dispensed with the ladder idea and went down the hose-with-brush-attachment-on-a-long-pole route. You can probably guess the rest. 

Last week I failed to open a tin of spam and wondered why my non-drain tuna needed draining. Oh and I have no idea what else I did last week of any relevance to anything. Ever. 

Monday 08/09/14

Scrabble happened at night. I lost. Just, if memory serves me correctly. 48-22 is now the running total. Now I know I didn't just sit around all day Monday waiting to play Scrabble but I'm buggered if I know what else I did.

Tuesday 09/09/14

Scrabble happened at night. I lost. Just, if memory serves me correctly. 49-22 is now the running total. Now I know I didn't just sit around all day Tuesday waiting to play Scrabble but I'm buggered if I know what else I did.

I moved some furniture! I remember now. I got sweaty and knackered moving furniture. And before that I had lunch with my eldest daughter, George. It's all coming back to me now. As you read this she'll have started her first job. I feel both proud and old!

Wednesday 10/09/14

My God what do I do with my time!! I put a bed together today. I'm on it as we speak. It's stayed intact for nearly a week. Possibly my most successful bit of D.I.Y. ever. 

Thursday 11/09/14

I'm sure at some point I did something exciting! Today could have been the spam and tuna fiasco. I so need this shop to open soon!

Friday 12/09/14

Right. Things happened today. Good things. I know this. First up an email from St. Modwen with the lease attached for The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop. All in order and I arranged to sign and get the keys on Monday (that didn't happen but you'll have to wait for next week's thrilling instalment to find out why). 

I then got notification from Galtres Festival that part of the Gig Junkies review I did with Mark Loraine had been included on their website. 

It was Leger weekend (sorry Steve, St. Leger weekend) so any excuse to get out of Donny. I've watched Doncaster Rovers home and away for 35 years now and even in the dark days of the 80s I've never come across anything quite as intimidating as the race crowd. Fallen Trees were playing Greystones in Sheffield. Perfect excuse. 

Myself and Mark's first visit to Greystones and it's a quality venue. Great boozer with an array of real ales and a tidy little venue at the back. It's halfway up one of Sheffield's famous seven hills. Looking down on the lights of Sheffield with an orange harvest moon sat low in the sky was a sight to behold. 

They did struggle a bit with the sound, let's face it, Fallen Trees are loud. I'm gonna do a separate review of the gig so wont go into too much detail here. They were magnificent though.

Got back to Donny in time to catch Groom Lake Fugitives at Diamond Live Lounge. Julie was enjoying a rare night out. I rang her from the gents in Diamond to find out she was in the ladies. Had a drink and left her to her night out as I headed home.

Saturday 13/09/14

St. Leger Day. Had a facebook rant about the number of people in Donny who spell it Ledger then rang Julie to make plans for Saturday night. Needed an excuse to get out of Donny. Do I need to do the race crowd bit again? Thought not. The Dunwells playing at The Plug in Sheffield. Perfect.

Julie had took a week off but spent most of it fixing her leaking toilet (and there's me bragging about putting a bed together). She ended up having to buy a new one and what with the excesses of the night before and toilet installation she ended up over sleeping. 

She rang me to say she'd be late and unfortunately too late to catch the start of the gig. After much negotiation (I didn't really fancy Julie being at the station with the race crowd, and added to that the scum that are the EDL mingling about, on her own) it was agreed that she can look after herself and she would meet me at The Plug.

So as I'm about to get on my train Julie rings me to say she can't come 'cos she spent all her money buying the toilet and has neither bus, train or taxi fare. As it was had we got a later train we'd have missed support act Ginger Tom. I love these guys so much. 

Ginger Tom are Tom Prendergast and Dan (Washy) Washbourn and they have a line in harmonies that has to be heard to be believed. I bumped into them as soon as I walked into The Plug and persuaded them to come on Sunday's show so we shall discuss them later.

Next up Leeds bands and friends of The Dunwells, City Of Lights. I love The Plug. It's up there with Nottingham Rock City and King Tut's, Glasgow as my favourite venue but it was a bit of a flat crowd tonight. City Of Lights had to work hard but by there closing number, title track off their latest album, Live And Learn, they'd got the crowd down at the front lapping up every glorious note. Definitely a band to watch out for.

Like Fallen Trees I'm gonna do a separate review of The Dunwells gig. Third time I've seen them (fourth if you include the one chord I caught when they played a free acoustic gig in Donny town centre) and they just get better and better. They've just announced they're playing Diamond Lounge on Nov. 21st. Be there. Saying that I've got tickets that night for Polkadodge and Southpaw in Sheffield that night. Oh the dilemma.

Last train back to Donny then straight round to Julie's to tell her just what she missed and to get fed.

Sunday 14/09/14

Today was the Cerebra Charity Music Festival that I'd offered to compare. It was a messy start to the day. Still tired from gigging I had to be up early to get from Wheatley to Balby. Shower, change, get my stuff for the radio and off to Sine FM to drop said stuff off. Then to Cask Corner to let Dave Wood in to get his gear to do the sound for the event then down to the Corn Exchange for the gig itself. Cerebra raise money for children with neurological conditions and brain injuries. A very worthwhile cause and a great day's entertainment in store. It'd take too long to review every artist that played so somewhat rudely I'm not going to. 

I had to dip out at just gone 5 to set up for The Other Way, just as Ginger Tom came on stage. Another reason to get 'em on the show. Didn't want to miss out. Julie had planned on joining me at some point during the day but was still battling with plumbing stuff so joined myself and Alistair at Sine FM Towers. I'm not gonna lie. I was knackered from the weekend's gigs and the voice was a little shot from a day of hosting. Alistair was a little weary too so a bit of a subdued show where I failed to successfully say the phrase 'I'm just off to varnish my banana' and I invented the word 'pleh' purely 'cos I was too tired to say the word 'pleasure'.

Ginger Tom did a couple of live acoustic songs for us. I've had many a band live in the studio and with all duo respect to every single one of them Ginger Tom are the first to actually leave me speechless. Second track, Never Be Enough, ends with the most gorgeous acapella harmonies. It left a lump in my throat, a tear in my eye and I was literally lost for words.

So, despite my tiredness (I'm such a martyr to the cause) myself and Julie headed to The Red Lion where the Cerebra gig was finishing off. I'm not sure questioning whether the stage was big enough for David Bailey's ego was my most tactful line but it was one of my funniest. And apologies to Ken Perkins who out of the corner of my eye I thought was about to invade the stage as I was doing my final bit of announcing. As it was he was just reminding me of someone I had to mention and I, somewhat rudely, elbowed someone who's been a mate for 25 years in the throat! I put it down to tiredness. So with Groom Lake Fugitives busy tearing a hole in The Red Lion roof my work was done and me and the equally tired but more gorgeous Julie headed home. 

So a slow week turned into a hectic weekend. Perfect.

I'm off to varnish a banana.



The Other Way Play List Sunday 14/09/14

The Other way - Polkadodge
Country Girl - Primal Scream
Communicate - The Dunwells
The KKK Took My Baby Away - The Ramones
Safe European Home - The Clash
Babies - Pulp
Devil Gate Drive - Suzi Quatro
7 Years (Live) - Ginger Tom
Hot In The City - Billy Idol
Go Right Ahead - The Hives
Never Be Enough (Live) - Ginger Tom
Scars - Ginger Tom
Black Swan - The Struts
Teenage Kicks - Nouvelle Vague
Seven Times Around The Sun - The Jim Jones Revue
Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
The Assist - The Assist
World Wide Web - 13 Women
Live And Learn - City Of Lights
Never Fade Away - Spector
Life - Beans On Toast
Twistin' The Night Away - Sam Cooke
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers

Monday, 8 September 2014

Accentuate The Positive

I've been struggling where to go with this week's blog. As I'm sure many of you are aware I started a bit of a furore on Facebook when I questioned the funding Doncaster Live received and as to why local bands weren't paid. It culminated with a couple of individuals posting lies and personal abuse about me. It's tempting to dedicate the whole blog to that but I really don't want to dwell on it too much. 

I've been involved with the Doncaster music scene for 5 years now and all I've ever wanted to do is to support and help local music as much as I can. I can't deny that the abuse, from two people who neither know me or anything about me, hurt and I did briefly question whether I wanted to be as heavily involved any more. But the support I've had has been overwhelming and I will be eternally grateful to every one of you who has backed me up. It is also worth noting that last week was a very positive one as regards musicians and reminded me just why I do what I do.

So here goes. Standard Scrabble fueled blog:

Monday 01/09/14

The day started with a call from Danny Landau. You may recall Danny and his band's set at Galtres Festival was my set of the weekend after they had overcome such adversity to put on an excellent performance. It transpired that the sound engineer had had one too many and fallen asleep on a hay bale somewhere. We arranged for Danny to come on the show in October prior to a gig at the Doncaster Ukranian Club.

I then got a call from St. Modwen saying the record shop paperwork was now with the solicitors. 

See. Positives.

Had a random message from a chap called James Johnstone asking if I'd be so kind to listen to his band, Leeds based 30/32. We had a good chat, he listened to any advice I had to offer and was a delight to speak with. This is why I do what I do!

The evening saw me at Cask Corner to celebrate Julie's third anniversary of running this fine establishment. Scrabble was mentioned but we ended up playing charades with Graham and Sarah Sutherland, James Taplin, Mick Holmes, Bluesy Steve, Tony Nicholson and Joie Carruthers. I wont go into details but Private Joiewank is my new favourite song. 

Tuesday 02/09/14

Bizarrely had another message just like the 30/32 one, this time from Mikey Stanton and his Walsall band The Assist. I had to message him this morning 'cos I failed abysmally to squeeze them onto yesterday's show. Next week, I promise.

Wednesday 03/09/14

I did actually make notes this week to remind me what I'd done but as per I cant read them. It would appear that today I 'England awake bed owed toad flyer'. Do with that what you will. 

Thursday 04/09/14

Had a meeting today with quality Donny band Fallen Trees and Mark Loraine. Myself and Mark have a plan to start up a label and management company (non profit making) to run in conjunction with The Notorious Aardvark Record Shop (hopefully profit making). Fallen Trees are a band we really want to work with. It was a definite meeting of the minds and I look forward to working together. Julie was in attendance. I don't know anyone in this town with a better knowledge of the national blues scene.  

Friday 05/09/14

Here goes. Donny Live - Day one. As I said, there's been enough bile and vitriol flying about so let's stick to the music. I got there in time for opening act and Sine FM competition winner MistaKay. Kieran is such a nice lad who has been through so much in his young life. He sings/raps from the heart and with age will hone his stagecraft and become another major talent that this town has to offer. 

Fluidity were up next. I know singer/guitarist Owen wont mind me saying he's the most talented Ginger in Doncaster. They're a band I really need to catch more 'cos I love them every time I see them. 

Next The 48ks bringing the tunes as always but this time with the bounce and personality that I know they have. Now a 6 piece and with a few shake ups planned before their EP release it looks like being an exciting end to 2014. (Bass player Adam is the 2nd most talented Ginger in Donny).

Time for Bang Bang Romeo, now firmly established on the This Feeling rosta and regularly filling venues in Camden. I called for them to headline Doncaster Live months ago and stand by that more than ever. If Tarantino is ever struggling for a soundtrack he doesn't have to look anywhere else. Immense. Epic. Sublime.

I now headed off to Cask for three of my favourite acts: Alistair Pearson, The Velcro Teddy Bears and Polkadodge. Alistair, genius as ever has a CD for sale and needs a new hat. Buy the CD. (I'm on it). (Twice). (The love of brackets continues).

Someone once asked me to pigeonhole The Velcro Teddy Bears into a genre. I gave my standard answer of go listen and then you tell me. If you really need an answer let's go with blues/folk rock/americana/indie. Or we could just go with class.

Those who know me know I LOVE Polkadodge. I did have slight worries about them bringing their original indie/pop to Cask, more of a blues and rock bar. I needn't have. They nailed it. The place was a heaving, sweaty mess of people leaping about and singing away to songs they'd only just discovered. I was in Cask on Saturday too. The place was awash with Polkadodge t-shirts. Brilliant. 

Saturday 06/09/14

The day started in church. Way out of my comfort zone. I was there for Hollie Sue Morrell's album launch. Alistair was performing too. Given the somewhat irreverent (and wholly inappropriate for a Sunday) feel with given to the radio show I did expect to get struck down by lightning. I'm guessing to a few people's disappointment we, quite obviously survived. I have to say we (particularly Alistair's girlfriend Julie) didn't behave particularly well. Nice acoustics though.

Masons next to see Jim and Mick in a flooded beer garden. The weather was frowning on the start of Donny Live day two. I wanted to catch friend and the second Sine FM competition winner Sick Note Tez but I'd only just gelled my hair. Eventually I did brave it to see Donny's own angry middle aged man. Quality set as always.

I'm appalled to say that this was the first time I'd seen Ginger Tom. They've been recommended to me for ages, absolutely stormed Tramlines by all accounts and yet I'd failed to catch them. A stripped down acoustic set but showed enough gifted songwriting to leave me wanting more. 

Time for a wander again (if anyone asks I was never there). Shambollix at The Woolpack. Punk (and then some) covers of the highest order. Original? No. Fun? Oh God yes! I left the sweaty mess of The Woolpack to find Cask Corner an equally sweaty mess as Dexter Dextrous and the Fingersmiths swing their way through some serious crowd pleasing moments. I don't think I've ever seen Cask so manic. The whole place was bouncing. A fitting end to Julie's third year anniversary week. 

Sunday 07/09/14

Standard lazy day before heading to Sine FM Towers for The Other Way and our let's see how many people we can fit in a small room competition. Alistair is now officially installed as my co-host. Julie was there too, as was Jim Taplin. Mick Holmes joined us later on and for the first time, after years of promising he could come and do some radio with me, Chris Walker (star of stage and screen and the most knowledgeable person when it comes to bread I know) was there too with his son, Gabriel. Another ridiculous show with tweets from Sheffield, America and God, an in depth discussion on sandwiches, politics (kind of) and banana embalming. 

Home to Scrabble and I won!! Just. 6 points. 47-22 is now the running total. 

And that was that. I'm off to try and assemble a bed. (and some ramparts)



The Other Way Play List Sunday 07/09/14

The Other Way - Polkadodge
In Between Days - The Cure
Tonight - Fluidity
Night Mail - Public Service Broadcasting
Where Did She Go - The Struts
Recurring Dream - Tankus The Henge
Love/Hate - 30/32
The Binary Song - Alistair Pearson
Spread Your Love - Black rebel Motorcycle Club
Debaser - Pixies
Molly Grey - Sick Note Tez
Torn On The Platform - Jack Penate
I Got The Blues (Live) - James Taplin and Mick Holmes
Sometimes - James
Bring On The Dancing Horses - Echo And The Bunnymen
Johannesburg - Bang Bang Romeo
If I Had A Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies
If I Ever Stray - Frank Turner
Egyptian Reggae - Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers