For Neil Cope after a conversation in The Woolpack toilet about lack of blog.
I've just seen an old english sheepdog crossing the road with what can only be described as saddle bags. All his owner had in his hand was the dog's lead. I thought this worthy of a mention so figured I may as well blog.
Do I miss doing the show? Well of course. The Cocteau Twins' Pearly-dewdrops' Drops has just come on random play on The Leopard jukebox and I immediately reached for pen and paper thinking I must play that on Monday's show then realised I don't have a show. D'oh! Still I'm enjoying the lie-ins in a warm Chesterfield bed more than I'm missing the show. Wish I'd done that Springsteen special before I left though.
I've spent a lot of time on trains recently. Yesterday was particularly spectacular. Due to the adverse weather conditions it took an hour and ten minutes to get from Meadowhell to Doncaster. This included 40 minutes parked, there's no other word for it, in Hexthorpe next to half a fox. That made pleasant viewing.
Obviously time on trains means time at stations. Advertisements at stations are like none I see anywhere else. Adverts for books I get. Something to while away the journey instead of looking for the other half of a fox. Although once you're on the platform waiting for your train it's a bit late to go book shopping. At Chesterfield station there's a lot of adverts for The Samaritans. Is advert the right word there? Not sure what that says about Chesterfield. Personally I hate leaving the place so it kinda makes sense.
At Sheffield station God's put quite a few billboards up. If God needs to advertise then he really is in trouble. And I'd worry for someone who sees a poster saying 'invite God into your heart' and thinks, 'Oh, OK then.'
So Samaritans and God. What does that say about train travel in this country? I'll be honest it's my 2nd favourite mode of transport after flying but you cant fly from Donny to Chesterfield.
OK, I'm off to email someone about how wanting 213 slices of a particular ham is excessive for a band rider.
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